Sunday, January 30, 2011

Field Trip

Good Day!

Just got home from our field trip, more like a field work. It was a very tiresome adventure but lessons were learned and the experiences were great and fun. Although some experiences were disgusting, I still had fun same with the other members. I will be uploading pictures and some captions with them. I will also be stating our destinations - DESTINATIONS next post with the pictures. I am so tired right now and I want to jump right directly to my bed and have a very good night sleep.



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Men?

Suicides. This term can sometimes be seen on T.V. associated with the fact that someone's life is gone. Incidents of people committing suicides has raised for this year. Most people have committed suicide for a certain reason: family problems, love problems, school, friends, etc. etc.

It can be noticed that most suicidal acts were committed by men. Why is this?

First, let us compare the social interaction of a man and a woman.

Women, have many friends. Not only they consider them friends but as sisters. What is so special about that anyway? Since the bond of these "sisters" are at the peak, of course, they would not feel awkward every time they share something even secrets of love, family, etc., etc. That is why every time a woman has a problem, she could any time, any where, let her feelings out because she has her sisters.

Like women, men has their brothers-close friends. Through thick and think, these brothers are always there for him. However, when it comes to letting out an emotion, it would be awkward to share something with a man. I do not know why that happens but it is really uncomfortable when a man shares a feeling to a man. Possibly, that is why most men could not have handled the pain they had undergone and could not take it any more and decided to take their own life.

The author of this post have questioned someone relating to why most men have committed suicide than women. Her answer:

"hmmm because most men choose to keep their feelings to themselves rather than sharing them that's why many of them commit suicide"
-Glaiza Joyce Obido


Monday, January 24, 2011

Something I read from Facebook

Tomboys are not necessarily lesbian. Tomboys are "girls" (young

females) who show characteristics and or behavior typical of

boys. When they grow up, they may or may not become

lesbians. Another misused word.

-I find this statement so informative. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What I Want

Early morning, around 7:00 a.m. when I was on my way to school, I stumbled upon a couple who were going jogging. They were both wearing fitting outfits. Outfits that would suit jogging. I was, obviously, jealous.

Many times have I been desperate to lose weight. I'm very much tired of setting aside my shirts that would not fit me because I am too large to fit in. But even though I have been feeling that way for many times, I am not able to fulfil it because I do not have the time. Even if I have the time, I would not know where to start first.

At first, I was determined to do it, but then, the feeling of determination blew away out of my mind. I was busy. That is why I have decided to put effort on that plan when the time is right and I know, right now, it is not my first priority to lose some weight.

"I'll be thinner soon"


Monday, January 10, 2011

Okay. Here it is. This is a self-written composition stating something about me. Everything you see at the sides are the comments given by the instructor. And that only proves how much I suck at it. Our instructor told us to improve our composition using the comments as guidelines. I am at the process of reminiscing my past experience to add it to my composition.
