Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy "Early" Christmas!

>Merry Christmas everyone!

This wonderful event is already knocking at our doors. And I know everyone is very excited to let it in. Christmas is all about giving, right? Now, for all of you kind-hearted people out there, all I want for Christmas is this:

Thank You whoever you are that is going to help me get my long-time Christmas gift. Well, of course, all of us should not forget the real essence of Christmas, which is:

Yes. We should not forget that Christmas that has been celebrated every 25th of December every year is for the birth of our Saviour. Let us always be thankful to the one who has and is still guiding us all - Jesus Christ. Be good everyone for it is Christmas. Don't forget to share every single bit of your blessing to the people around you. Continue to be a blessing to the ones around you. Merry Christmas and have a good one!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Yesterday, I went to a store to buy something. The store was near our house and can be reached just by walking. So, I went there wearing a sleeveless shirt and plain old pants. By the time I reached there, an old lady thought of me as a worker of that store. She was not an ordinary old lady, she was skinny, wore tattered clothes, hair undone and was carrying a large black plastic cellophane. Inside it were things which we, average people, consider as trash, and for her, treasures. Around her belly, she tied an old open can where she puts her money.

That lady said, "pula lang ug itom palihug"[Translation: Red and black ones only please]. I did not knew what she meant and after all, I was not working there, so I just gave her a quick smile and went back to my business.

A real worker arrived. The woman wanted to buy a yarn with colours red and black. Still, I didn't mind them. I paid for the item I had bought and went out the store.

At the same time, the old lady took her can and turned it upside-down and all her coins dropped to the ground. She was counting and counting to pay for the yarns she bought. This was the time I felt so much pity for the old lady. I walked away from the store thinking how unfortunate that woman is for having that life. I inserted my hand inside my pocket and reached for money. Gradually, I stopped, thinking that I should go back and sacrifice this little amount of money for that poor old lady. And so, I went back and asked the employee waiting for the lady's payment,"Pila diay ang iyang bayrunon kuya?"[Translation: How much should she pay?]. The lady answered me, "pun.e ug singko dong palihog beh"[Translation: add 5 pesos please]. This time, I really felt that she was worried. She was short in money. I felt, so much pity for her. Her eyes were sad, with tears, that almost fell because of worry. I immediately handed her a 20-peso bill. "Salmat kaayu. God Bless Dong, Merry Christmas ug Happy New Year"[Thank You. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God Bless]. She was happy, and I was too. I felt her relieved. I felt her happiness. We both smiled.

I immediately walked away hiding my smile.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Disasters and Realizations

Last month, disaster visited our city. A fire broke out and burnt two entire village. It was said that the fire started within a house that has a lighted candle. The candle fell out of balance and the flame spread quickly. Many families had lost their home because of the unfortunate incident.

The fire incident was really a few blocks away from our house. Since the fire started during 2:00am, fire men were not able to help immediately. It may be because they were having a good night sleep while the fire was spreading. Houses on the village were built side by side and mostly made from wood which made the flame spread faster. As seconds, minutes pass, the fire was gradually coming towards us. I watched the fire from our roof top. It was a very good view there.

I really pity those who had their house burnt. They were having a good night sleep and woke up just to know that a fire was coming their way. Luckily, firemen came and were able to control the fire few hours pass when the fire broke out.

Good thing though, they do know how to recover things up. They built again their houses and had their home back.

It's really amazing how a simple lighted candle can make two entire village turn to dust. Lesson? Do not ever leave a candle or anything that could start a flame, unattended.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Supplements for a Sharper Mind

Everybody wants to have a sharper mind. A mind that has a memory cabinet ten times larger than a genius. A mind where a student can store all that is needed to be memorized to have a perfect score for tomorrow’s quiz. Who would not want that?

Many scientists have discovered or created many supplements to enhance the functionality of our brain. This can either be the brain’s memory capacity, thinking skills, reasoning skills, solving skills, moods and others. There are many ways to aid the brain, may it be natural or supplementary. This article will tackle some supplements that can help us achieve a sharper mind.

First is Gingko Biloba. This supplement is a pure extract from an ancient tree which is said to give excellent benefits to the body. Also, many researches about this supplement have concluded that it can actually enhance or increase the metabolic rate of glucose in our brain, our main source of energy to do our daily activities. It then gives an additional blood and oxygen to our brain which will eventually increase our mind’s memory capacity and also the mental alertness.

Secondly, Lecithin. This supplement will serve as the main source of structural materials that every cell in our human body need, especially the ones needed by our brain and nerves.

Thirdly, Phenylalanine. This supplement is an important amino acid that will produce neurotransmitters. These substances are the main ingredient in order for the brain to produce norepinepherine which helps increase the brain’s mental alertness, vigour, and will also help in the learning process. It also helps in aiding the memory process of the brain.

Lastly, L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid that functions mainly as the fuel for the brain. It contributes greatly on how the brain is able to work. This supplement contains the ability to pick up excessive ammonia. Ammonia is not beneficial to the brain since it inhibits or restrains the brain to function greatly. In fact, L-Glutamine is a successful medication to treat schizophrenia and senility.

There are still many supplements out there to help us humans to increase our brain’s functionality. Also, many scientists are still studying or researching for more supplements to support the brain’s sharpness.

“Super Foods” for Increased Brain Functionality

Everybody wants a sharp mind. And some of us would want it in a safe way. This includes the natural way of consuming foods that could contribute to the functionality our mind. Below are list of some foods which we call “super foods” that can help us achieve a sharp mind. These Super Foods are consist of Vitamins B12, B6, C and E, also with folate, calcium, potassium, magnesium and betacarotene. Foods which consist of any of these will improve the brain’s memory.

Firstly is water. As what our doctors say, we should drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. Our brain is consist mostly of water. To be more precise, eighty five percent (85%) of our brain tissue is composed of water. If we do not consume enough water, a possibility of dehydration might occur. Thus, might affect the functionality of the brain. Thus, we must drink enough water to maintain of even enhance the brain’s functionality.

Secondly is honey. A 2007 research concluded that diets including honey can lower the chance of having anxiety and may improve the brain’s memory even when ageing. Honey is consist of antioxidants which helps in preventing free radicals. These free radicals damage cells in our body. Honey having antioxidants will help prevent free radicals.

Thirdly, is mango. Mango is a fruit. You do not need to cook it which means it is fresh and the nutrients inside it are well naturally preserved. Mangoes are also rich in glutamine acid. This acid is very essential protein which helps on concentration and for memory capacity.

Another one is spinach. Spinach is consist of 11% vitamin B6. 5% of vitamin E. A 33% of folate, calcium with a consistency of 12%, 20% magnesium and 12% of potassium. These essential nutrients will be very helpful in improving you brain’s functionality.

Other Super Foods are milk, black – eyed beans, acorn squash, kidney beans, pink salmon, orange juices, papaya, bock choy, baked potato, broccoli, wheat germ, banana, vegetable juice and tofu. There are still many super foods available out there that can be bought at the market, as long as you know which food would be helpful to your brain

The effects of stress on our Health

Stress is defined as a normal physiological response of an individual’s body to the situations which are alleged to be risky to the body. Anyone can be affected by stress at any point of their life.

Stress has both helpful and unhelpful effect. When we are going through hardness, or we encounter problems through our journey in this life, one reason that causes our improvement is stress. On the other hand, if stress becomes crucial like enduring a very long period of time without relaxation or rest, very serious psychological problems will occur to the individual. This article covers the negative effects of stress regarding an individual’s health.

Firstly, stress can cause a Depressive Disorder or more commonly known as Anxiety. Anxiety is defined as the uneasiness about future uncertainties. When an individual is experiencing a chronic stage of being stressed, he will forget how to enjoy life, do things to accomplish his goals, and how to maintain healthy relationships.

Secondly, stress can cause Heart Diseases and Stroke. Studies show that there has been a connection between acute stress, the heart and the circulatory system. Somehow, stress can increase the heart rate which will sooner restrict or forbid the functioning of the arteries. Thus, this will later cause cardiac events or cardiac accidents such as heart attack.

“I eat when I’m stressed” – this is the most common statement we can hear from different people. Humans can do anything just to cope up with stress. Likewise, research shows that the stress hormone known as Cortisol can cause an increase of abdominal fat. In some serious cases, some individuals ended up having disorders suck as anorexia, binge eating disorder and bulimia to help them cope up with stress.

Another negative effect of stress on an individual’s health is that it helps in developing Gastrointestinal Disorders. Stress somehow causes problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease. People going through a lot of stress experiences mild to moderate feeling of nausea, stomach ache, stomach discomfort, constipation or diarrhea.

Even if it is likely impossible to relax or de-stress oneself, it will still be very important to maintain physical, mental, spiritual and social balance to avoid the development of problems caused by stress.

Effects of Positive Thinking on Health

Positive thinking or what we call, being optimistic, helps us in overcoming stress and could even help u improve our health. Positive thinking simply means being able to approach the ugliness of life in a useful, productive and a more positive way. As an individual, we should not waste our time struggling on the unpleasant things of life. Instead, we should think on how to make that bitter situation into something that will be useful to us.

Self – talk is the unlimited river of thoughts running inside your head every second of the day. Self – talk can wither be positive or negative. These thoughts are acquired from logical and reasoning. Also, these thoughts can be acquired through the misinterpretation that we make from the lack of information and facts.

If the self –talk running inside the head are mostly negative, then our life will run in a pessimistic way. People like that are called pessimist. Approaching life in a negative way. On the other hand, if the self –talk are mostly positive, then our life will run optimistically. People this way are called optimist.

There are studies relating to the effects of positive thinking into an individual’s health. These studies shown that positive thinking can provide the following effects.

Lower rates of depression. Obviously, if an individual is too much busy thinking about how hopeless life is, his mind will then be in a state of stress and would not be able to function properly. Stress can also cause depression. Unlike an optimist, being able to approach life in a more productive way without thinking how it is hard to survive, he’ll then start to think of ways on how to encounter it and eventually, be able to overcome hardship which could help him in a major way.

If an individual is an optimist, he can live his life up to his 150’s. Positive thinking can be likely compared to the Law of Attraction. According to that said law, one way to attract the most you want for life is by wanting or needing it. The more you want something, then the more you attract its energy. Likewise, if an individual thinks positively, he’ll be able to attract positive energies that will help him greatly.

Positive thinking can contribute much to our health especially when it is positive. Thus, always think positively to be able to live life happily and more lively.

Effects of Diet to our Mood

Eating a proper diet everyday is very important for all of us to achieve a good life. Our body and our mind are connected to one another. Thus, the amount that you eat can give a great impact to what might be your mood.

To make the brain work or communicate, a certain chemical known as the neurotransmitters are needed to conduct electrical impulses or in simpler term, brain waves. Dopamine, endorphins, glutamine and serotonin are such neurotransmitters. Your body should necessarily manufacture these chemicals with the use of the enzymes, fatty acids, amino acids, mineral, proteins and carbohydrates which can be taken from the food that you eat. If you are not eating enough food or not eating enough of the right foods for your body to be able to manufacture these chemicals, you will end up having depression or anxiety as an effect.

Another mistake in terms of diet that will, in most cases, lead to low moods is by making your blood sugar or glycemic index (GI), rise and fall all through out the day. Not eating you meal can result to having a low blood sugar. On the other hand, simple consumption of starchy foods, sugary foods or what we call carbohydrates can make the blood sugar high. With this up and down of the blood sugar or glycemic index, this can greatly affect a person’s mood which will some time make them irritable, sad or forgetful.

Craving for carbohydrates is also an attempt to medicate yourself from depression in the way of raising your serotonin. This certain chemical is the one responsible for sleep, mood and appetite.

Also, eating foods with carbohydrates with a lower Glycemic Index (GI) means that the energy given by these foods will then be released to control or stabilize blood sugar levels. Because of that, it will help you feel better for a long time and will avoid the ups and down of the blood sugar level which may play a great part on the shifting of your moods. Such foods that are said to contain carbohydrates are wholemeal breads, boiled potatoes, sweet potatoes, pasta, brown rice, oats and wholegrain cereals.

Antioxidants and Anti-aging

Let us first introduce antioxidant and understand what its purpose to our body is. The human body, our body is composed of many different, various types of cells. And cells are composed of tiny molecules and these are consist of either one or more atoms. Each atom is made up of protons, neurons and electrons that are bonded together by certain chemicals. Each time a weak bond breaks or splits, a free – radical is formed. These free – radicals are very dangerous to the body. They are unstable and would search for other molecule. They connect themselves to another molecule and would still the electron. Through that process, it disrupts or worse, kill, living cells inside your body. Our body can naturally handle or control free – radicals on its own. But, without the presence of antioxidants and too much presence of free – radicals, worse is, it can damage the body.

The role of antioxidants is very important. This substance is present to neutralize deactivate free – radicals by sacrificing their own electron, since they are stable, which will eventually end the stealing of free-radicals. This will then prevent further damage of the tissue and can also avoid premature ageing and cardiac diseases.

Ageing is the process that we humans, wants to prevent. Of course, everybody wants to maintain their flawless skin forever and would anything for it. Unfortunately, ageing is inevitable. But, there is something we can do to maintain the wellness outside even with the process of ageing.

Ageing is the simultaneous damage mainly caused by free – radicals. If you want to slow the process of ageing, first thing to do is to reduce the number of free – radicals inside our body. To fight free-radicals, antioxidants should be present in our body and one way to do that is to include foods with antioxidants into our diet. This will then deactivate free-radicals in our body and will eventually detoxify, protect the body and slows down the speed of ageing.

Thus, for slowing the ageing process and to maintain beauty, it is therefore advisable to take foods that are rich with antioxidants.

Advantages of Including Low GI Foods in Your Diet

First, let me introduce and succinctly define, GI. GI is the abbreviation for the word Glycaemic Index. Glycaemic Index or GI was invented at the year 1981 by Dr. David Jenkins at the University of Toronto used to measure the effects of certain foods to the blood sugar level. On the GI, 100 indicate a pure glucose. The index was originally invented to have a more accurate guide to the glycaemic response of human body to different sources of carbohydrates.

Foods with a high GI are helpful for the quick release of energy but only in a short term. In consequence, foods with a high GI should only be eaten in moderation for they may cause negative effects on the body.

On the other hand, it is also good idea of eating foods with low GI in your day to day diet because theses foods offer sustained energy with a steady and gradual change of your blood glucose.

In comparison, low GI foods are digested slowly and absorbed by the body gradually. Because of this, your blood glucose will change in a slow, steady way. Otherwise, foods with high GI are digested and absorbed quickly by the body, thus, causing an unnatural pace in the change of the blood glucose. Foods with high GI will cause increase damage to the oxidative vascular of the body and will increase insulin production. Both of these contribute greatly to diabetes and any other heart diseases.

Having a low GI food included in your diet has many advantageous effects. It helps in managing your appetite, improves endurance, demand of insulin will be lower, lessens cholesterol, balanced energy level, and most specially, it improves your endurance.

Studies including low GI foods to be healthy have been done in the past few years already. It has been found out that it can reduce the possibility of acquiring diseases, or even death, by suppressing or crushing inflammation. Such example of these diseases are diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. And foods with high GI, contains, high GI carbs, which contribute greatly to inflammation, thus increasing the possibility of acquiring inflammation-caused diseases.

Eating low GI foods also helps in curing PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome), a state associated by having multiple cysts in the ovary, abnormal hair growth in the face, and acne caused by abnormal androgen level in the female body. Women with PCOS are said to be resistant in insulin meaning that insulin do not work too well.

A study was conducted to prove this and found out that, women with low GI diet tend to do better than a regular diet. In the low GI diet, majority of the women observed an improvement to their menstrual cycle and has improved blood sugar control. Concluding that a low GI diet is very helpful in curing women with PCOS.

Eating food with low GI is really advantageous for the body. Many should try this diet for them to decrease the possibility of acquiring serious diseases.

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 2, 2010

Errk! (>.<)

It was 12:00 noon and I haven't eaten my breakfast and was planning to eat lunch after class. Because of that, I was very sleepy and couldn't control it any more. I was doing my best just not to fall unconscious, but what could I do? my forehead hit the armchair. Unaware, our instructor that time was calling names for an oral recitation. Luck the first two since they were only tasked to read a paragraph. One for each. And as for me, the less-fortunate one, I was called thirdly and was asked a question on which I was clueless.

"Oh meeeennn!" I thought. "How lucky! -.-" Even before that recitation, we were having our discussion about Objective paragraphs and how to write and determine one. I couldn't really focus on what she was telling us. Every time I blink, it could barely open. I was absent minded. My mind flying and my eyes falling.

After that, being able to give the...WRONG ANSWER! I was not sleepy any more. I could even control my eyes at that time. HAH! But still, embarrassed. I was really sweaty after that. Everyone would have laughed at me.

I told myself, "this will be the last time". >:) *evil laugh in mind*

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


When I was just a little boy, may be around 10-12 years old, as most usual kids would do, I play especially sling shots. At our province at Lanao del Norte, many kids there with me were trying to hit birds, We told each other that each one should get one bird. As decided, each searched for their own flying creature.

As for me, I searched near our cottage since it was surrounded my mangrove trees. Also, it is where birds were abundant. Fortunately, the tide was low and so I was able to search almost all of the trees. And then, I saw what I was looking for, a bird. It was just an ordinary bird flying around for a living; living in a nest with its mates and young ones. And so, being eager to fulfil the group’s desire, I still wanted the bird despite his situation. “Bam!” “Boom!” etc! So many times I had attempted to hit the poor yet swift little flying creature with my sling shot but still I was unable to do so. And finally, it got tired of flying and rested on the top most of a tree. And I, with my accurate measurement with a sling on my hand, aimed directly into the resting flying creature. Once I had my instinct fixed on the target, I had set free the rock that I was pulling and Bam! , it hits the bird’s wing. The bird got shocked and flew away but at that time, low and slow. I was very excited since it was my first hit. But a sudden surge of pity hit my feelings while viewing the poor bird trying very hard just to get away. I realize then what terror I just did to the creature. I knew he had a family to feed. Because of his family, he needed to escape badly or else he would end dead. I went away and lost sight if the bird bearing the conscience inside me as I turned and walked away.

As soon as my friends and I met at the rendezvous, it was only I whothat was not carrying a lifeless little flying creature. What was shocking to me at that time was most of my friends had picked off their birds’ feathers. It was really merciless. As for me, I met them with an empty hand. But I did not feel ashamed or lonely. I was proud because I was not able to waste a life co-existing with us. My friends were insulting me at that time for not hitting one. They told me “Banga-a jud nimu oi!” and “Unsa man imung kamot? Bayot?” and they were all laughing at me. I laughed with them too.

Once we were done, we went straight to our respective home and called it a day. I knew then that what my friends did was wrong. They stole away a life from a family. I knew then at that time, every life is special.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Law of Attraction

I rewrote a long time ago an article regarding the Law of Attraction. Grammatical errors are there and I did not take the time to recheck and rewrite it. So here it is. By the way, try reading it, it really has a great content. Have fun reading!

"The Law of Attraction Physics includes the idea of getting what you want. If you get what you desire, you relief yourself out of worry and stress. It sometimes acquainted with the feel-good philosophy. But on the contrary, it is said that science and physics is where the principle is derived.

“The energy is our body and our minds are always vibrating” – This is the principle where the Law of Attraction was derived. This represents different frequency wavelengths. We have to set these wavelengths out and let them spread throughout the world.

Once the frequency of an individual is set of, they search and catch the attention of frequencies similar to them. In a more brief description, the Law of Attraction Physics brings things to you. If you set out negative frequencies, then it will catch and send back negative ones. But, if you produce positive frequencies, then it will catch the same of its kind and be reflected to you.

Law of Attraction Physics focuses mainly on your happy thoughts and being an optimistic person. The optimistic frequency that you set out will unite with the others with the similar frequency and will be sent back to you as a happier one.

Law of Attraction Physics includes the idea of living life how you want it for yourself. It is so unnecessary to spend millions of pennies just to be contented. All you have to do is think that you have what you want and you are contented with it. Just believe in yourself and be optimistic, then the Law of Attraction Physics will do the rest.
You have to expect for the best. Be happy with your choice, and unconsciously, the law will work better than you have been expecting.

Think positively, be optimistic and believe in yourself that you can do it. These are the most important traits an individual should practice. Self confidence especially is needed. With this entire trait being practiced, success will come your way."

Wow! You've read until the very last word of my article! Thank you for reading! I appreciate it!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Listening to Music

Hello everyone. I really do not know what to post right now. My mind is in a condition where it can't concentrate because it is thinking about someone and how much he is missing it, accompanied by the fantastic compositions of Yiruma, my mind is totally, really blank.

Well, anyway, since I'm already here typing, It would be probably good to write something about Yiruma. He is a south korean pianist and composer in the age of 32. Despite his young age, he is know worldwide because of his compositions and music so full of emotion that it can really reach the spirit of each listener. Many of his piano piece were used and featured on movies to give more emotion. Well, in case you do not know Yiruma, I've decided to post some of his pictures here. If you're interested about Yiruma, you can click HERE for more information.

Yep, that's Yiruma. Try listening to his compositions. You'll be very amazed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Wallet

<---- That's a picture of my wallet, open, that I took a while ago.

I just acquired my newest wallet. Yep! Newest, Latest. For so many days now, I've starved for a new wallet since the last one was already very old and out of fassion. A new wallet, because of that, I am now inspired to save money. This probably is the best wallet I had ever acquired. I like the design and the way it was made since there are many pockets which means I can insert more important things inside. And also, there is a secret compartment inside that only I know where to locate it which is a very useful thing. Having a new wallet really gave me an inspiration to save. Since it has a very good design or it looks good, then I should also put something that would be worth the design. You know what I mean, $$$. $_$.
Well, anyway, here is another picture of my wallet, now in a closed position to have a better view of the cover. It has a simple design that is why I like it. It has stitches all over it designed to a specific pattern to make the wallet look nicer and more pleasing to the eyes, not only for the owner but for everybody else. It is about 10 inches long which means only a portion of it will show up when I insert it into my pocket, no chance of it to be stolen. This is probably the best wallet that I've ever had. Pleasing to my eyes. I'm going to take care of this wallet for it to last longer. Hope you also do the same with yours, fellow blogger.

Good Day! God Bless!

Our Pet Bird

Back at the province where my mother was born, we have a pet bird there. His name is Parly and he's a parrot. I really do not have a picture of Parly and I just posted a picture of that parrot up there since it has a color same as Parly's. Our pet bird is a very behave and disciplined type of pet. At night, he stays quiet since he knows everyone is sleeping and at daytime, he screams like rooster in a *COCK-A-DODDLE-DOO* manner but not that good. He also screams during different time each day. For example, early in the morning like 6am, he screams over and over again the word *PAN-DE-SAL* [our term for salt bread] since it's what he hears everyday ever since we've brought him to our home. We really do not know how we have trained Parly that he became a smart parrot. Maybe, Parly, in nature is already a smart and good bird that he was already carrying these traits and we were just their to develop their potentials.

Having Parly at our house was a good idea. He brought joy to everyone and also made us laugh. Not only us but also some visitors are very fond of Parly and his skills. It really is a good and fun idea of having a trained pet parrot in our home.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Alive, Alert, Awake

It's already 1:32am here in our country and yet I'm still awake without any sleep. It's very rare that we students do not go to school for a very important occasion. Today, is a Muslim Holiday. I really am unaware of what the specific occasion our Muslim brothers and sisters are celebrating that has been the major reason for the declaration of today's holiday. But still, I wish them a more prosperous life and a peaceful celebration.

As what I've said, it's very rare to have holidays on our school that's why I'm staying up late since I won't be able to do this again until the next holiday. Might as well take my time. Truth is, my eyes are so heavy now, very wanting to close and have a restful night. I'm currently listening to some songs from the 70's or 80's such as Bee Gees, Beatles, Air Supply, Chicago, REO Speedwagon, Carpenters, etc. Their song is very soothing to my ear. If I were to choose, I'd prefer the old-fashioned music rather than modern ones. Well, not all actually all of them, just a few of the modern compositions, for me, are very unpleasant to my ear, in which case, I do not like.

Listening to this type of solemn, old-fashioned song makes me more drowsy every time a song is played after another. Yes, I'm sleepy and I have to sleep now. Good Morning guys! God Bless!

Such a feeling

I cry because I'm angry. I cry because I'm frustrated. I cry because I'm tired of all this. I cry because you don't understand. I cry because I only have myself to turn to. & I cry because there's nothing else I could do.

And I can’t stop. :’(

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What do you think?

Is eating a form of exercise?

I know this question is a bit ignorant, but there's nothing wrong about hearing all your opinion.

You see, I get very active when I'm hungry. I get so excited when food is in front of me placed on the table with fresh water or sometimes juice. Really yummy and tasty.

But after eating, specially when I eat to much even though my stomach is full, I feel exhausted, tired. I wonder what's causing it. I know it's an ignorant question. But do you think, eating is a form of exercise?

Leave comments bellow.

Pacquiao Goes Home With the Belt

Manny Pacquiao was able to win the belt against Antonio Margarito. Pacquiao was able to gain advantage at round 3 wherein he was able to punch, leaving a cut at Antonio Margarito's right eye. The wound did a great effect on the way how Margarito fought and leaving him barely able to see.

The fight lasted until round 12 which was the last round of fight. Before the end of the fight, around round 11, Manny tried to convince the referee to stop the fight based on Margarito's situation regarding his eye, but was unable to do so. Many times have the referee asked Margarito if he can still go on with the fight and still he insisted that he could do it despite the condition of his eye. The fight went on 'til the last round.

The secret that Pacquiao had in winning the fight were his speed and at the same time the ability to throw hard punches. Pacquiao was able to escape Margarito's every attempt to corner him. Still, Margarito did not loss hope despite his condition. Margarito was still able to land many punches at Pacquiao.

At the end of round, Manny Pacquiao went home with the belt through a Unanimous Decision against Antonio Margarito in the Super Welterweight Division adding another belt to his collection with a total of 8 from different weight divisions.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

So exhausting day!

Tomorrow is going to be another exhausting day. Another day when I have to equip myself with my newly-polished, gleaming, shiny shimmering eye-blinding sword! *EVIILLL LAAUUGGHH* >:D

A day when I have to dress myself with a Seven Coloured Battle Dress Attire with a Piston Belt around me at my waist.

A green beret perfectly worn sideways.

Me with my shiny pair of newly-polished Combat Shoes perfectly laced from bottom to top to enable each of my foot to fit perfectly and for me to be comfortable and move swiftly on any direction without any destructions.

But even though tomorrow I am wearing this set, I am still unable to prevent the feeling of being tired. Just thinking on what I'll be doing tomorrow makes me feel really laaazzzyyy. Tomorrow, there is a great possibility that the training would go on for the whole day since it's our regular schedule. Hope NOT! I am very eager to watch the Pacquiao vs Margarito fight even it is just the replay. And also, it's gonna be hot tomorrow. And in fact, it gets hotter everyday. I hope tomorrow would be a fun day. And I hope! I really HOPE!!! It rains tomorrow. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Good Morning Fellow Blogger!!,

I just had my new hair cut a while ago since we'll be undergoing another session for our R.O.T.C. (Reserved Officer Training Corps) tomorrow. Because of that, I am required to cut my hair with the required style - Army cut. I do not have any hard feeling for the training anyway.

The only thing, no, person that made me very irritated was the barber who's
the suspect of giving this much pain. Obviously, before you shave your hair, you apply water to soften it so it would not hurt, right? But what the barber did, he immediately shaved some of my hair, which gave me stings all over my back neck. All he had to clean off the shaved hair from my neck was a tiny, sharp comb which increased the pain. Da*n! It stings so much until now.

But even so, I still like my hair cut, suits my taste. :)

Which hair style do you like anyway? Leave some comments...

3 Idiots - a great movie!

HAHAHA! This is a very entertaining movie! I have already watched this movie many times and still I laugh so hard! It's a story about friendship which did not disappear even 5 years had passed without any communication at all. A story of friendship, through thick and thin.

The movie's moral is, "never allow someone to dictate what you want for your life, when in fact, you already know what you really need."

What do you think about this movie? leave some comments! :)

Pacquiao or Margarito - who will be triumphant?

Without taking into consideration my nationality, I pick Pacquiao as my winner. Manny has a record of 51 wins-38 coming from knock outs, 3 losses, and 2 draws and Margarito having a record of 38 wins - 27 coming from knock outs and 6 losses.

I do think Manny has a great advantage in this fight. Considering one physics theory, the larger the mass, the less the speed. We can relate that theory into these boxers' fight. Margarito has a much larger body compared to that of Pacquiao's. Giving Manny Pacquiao the advantage in terms of speed and mobility. The only thing that can possibly weaken Pacquiao in this fight is when he is cornered by his enemy and gives him the punches that Margarito can give.

Manny Pacquiao, ever since his boxing career prospered, have started to train his body to gain and lose weight to qualify in the different boxing divisions. This also gives him the advantage to reach the required weight for him to qualify in the division that he and Margarito will be fighting in. In fact, 3 hours before the weigh-in, Pacquiao have already reached the requirement for him to be qualified in the SUPER WELTERWEIGHT DIVISION. He is now prepared, mentally and physically for the fight. On the other hand, Margarito, 3 hours before the weigh - in, is still undergoing some heavy training to lose weight for him to qualify for the fight.

Margarito, also has a power advantage. With regards to the enormity of his body, we can easily conclude that he can give a more powerful blow than that of his enemy. One thing he can do now is to corner his enemy and strike him with all he got. Also, he is taller, accompanied with a longer arm span giving him a good punching reach.

But, nobody still knows. Only the ring knows the winner, and God. I still bet my money on Pacquiao. Who do you think will win in the Pacquiao vs Margarito fight? and will you be able to watch this legendary fight?

Leave your comments bellow.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Yes, this is my schedule. And I am really not that happy since I have to go to school 7:30am and go back home 7:30 in the evening. Who would like that? Oh well, I guess I have to stick to it since it's there and I do not have the power and the authority to renew it. Nothing else to say, it's just so exhausting.


Everybody, I mean EVERYBODY should be thankful for this "term" is not deprived. Without it, obviously, we won't be able to understand each other which could possibly cause an endless world war. In fact, even those individuals who are unable to communicate verbally can do it, nonverbally. From the living to the spirit world, between animals, between nature and human. Communication is there and we should be thankful for it. Since we have this, we should also know how to use it. Others use words that poisons and influences the mind of very vulnerable people. Somehow, we should protect ourselves from these type of people. I do not want to end up being able to hurt other people's feelings because of evil words.

No man is an island

Friends are those individuals whom you can tell everything you want. May it be a good experience or the worse ones. They are always ready to stretch out their hands whenever you are in need of help. Specially, when great obstacles of life are surrounding, one of the best persons who you can always come to are your friends. Of COURSE! FrienDS! They comfort you, they talk to you-- Honestly. One good characteristic of having a friend is the closeness. Once both of you have this one, you get to open up any topic you want to each other. This enables the both of you to share each of your opinion and eventually, will lead to sharing of your problems. Well, in accordance to that, everyone deserves a friend, after all, "no man is an island" - credits to whoever said that. In fact, everyone of us NEEDS a friend. Being friendly is not measure to how many friends you have, it's about, being there through thick and thins, through any problem. Having a friend is very great, it's like they are your second family, brothers and sister.

I too have my friends. Best of friends is what I call them. Actually, we call ourselves CircooL. Why??? yes, obviously, circle means INFINITY AND BEYOND - buzz light year. Well, that's what we are, our friendship, always there for each other. We all met during our high school years. YES! REMINISCE THE PAST! we had a great time. And we will still continue to have more. Our friendly organization is composed of fourteen very different people. But our difference was not able to serve as a hindrance for us to relate and understand each other. YEP! UNDERSTAND! We understand each other's feelings that is why we are able to maintain our friendship. Now we are all college students - except for one, but nonetheless, he's still one of us- we are still maintaining our friendship, trust and we know, we'll be able to do it until we go home.

As what I've stated, everyone needs a friend. Your life would be much more interesting and fun with them. Trust me, :) I've been
